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Transformers Age of Extinction

20. november 2014 af Ronnie Bisgaard Mortensen Skriv en kommentar

Transformers Age of Extinction billede

Q & A med Stanley Tucci

Michael Bay har endnu engang søsat en fortsættelse i den bombastiske Tranformers-franchise. Denne gang har han valgt at reboote sin egen franchise med et nyt hold skuespillere. Ligesom de fleste andre Bay film, så har den fjerde Transformers film fået voldsom kritik af anmelderne, men har alligevel formået at indtjene afsindige summer penge, især i Asien. Der pumpede fyre, lækre damer, enorme eksplosioner og uendelige mængder action og man er på intet tidspunkt i tvivl om at det er en Michael Bay film.

Læs bl.a. vores anmeldelser af filmen her:


På Cinemaonline har vi været så heldige at få tilsendt et generisk interview med Stanley Tucci, som er med i filmen:

Q: Stanley, were you a big fan of the Transformers franchise, and is that the reason why you wanted to be part of this?

A: Well, I had seen the movies, but I can't say that I was a big Transformers fan. But when Michael (Bay) called me and wanted me to be part of this film, I couldn't wait to read the script.

Q: And what was your first impression after you read it?

A: I was blown away. It had so much humor in it, and it read like a great action film. And I liked my part in it as well. I thought it would be great fun to be part of this.

Q: Who do you play in this movie?

A: I play Joshua Gross. He is the guy who is heading this corporation that makes all the Transformers. He has a big ego and wants to become one of the richest men in the world. But there is another side to him as you find out later in the movie.

Q: You don't mind that you are yet again in a supporting role?

A: No, not at all. Hey, if it's a great part I don't mind being in a supporting role at all. And this was new for me. I learned a lot about the different Transformers. I dove into a world that is usually for much younger people. But I really enjoyed it.

Q: What was it like to work with Michael Bay?

A: I don't think I ever worked with a director who had that much energy. It's infectious. You come to work and you can't help but be excited. And that energy is captured on film. I just hope all the back stories, all the great moments that we caught on camera and didn't make it into the movie can be seen on DVD and Blu-ray. Michael Bay is worth his own bonus feature.

Q: Did you just strictly follow the script, or did you have time to improvise?

A: We improvised a lot. Michael encourages that. And that makes a big production like this even more entertaining because you feel you have a little room to tweek your own performance.

Q: You've been in a couple really good movies lately. How do you pick your roles these days?

A: I am trying to mix it up. I think it's important. You do a drama and then you try to find a comedy next. Science Fiction seems to be in my cards right now.

Q: How did you deal with all the action in this film? Did you have to get in shape?

A: This movie was a good excuse to get in shape (laughs). When you do a Michael Bay film, I think you know what to expect. And you'd better show up prepared. It's grueling, sure. But it's also fun. I look at it that way at least. I get to play like a child again. How could you not like that…

this time around?

A: You said it correctly. This is a very different movie. I am not killing his daughter in this film! – Mark brings certain gravitas to the set that makes you feel very much wanted. And he is a true professional. If I ever knew a guy who comes prepared, it would be Mark Wahlberg. And on top of that he's an incredible actor. He took this movie to a whole new level.

Q: What was the hardest part for you making this movie?

A: It's never easy to be away from your family for an extended time. But that's what happens when you do a big movie like this. Other than that I enjoyed every minute of it. Michael works very efficiently and fast. And I like that. There was not much time wasting on the set.

Q: Where did you shoot this film?

A: We shot in Detroit, in Chicago, Hong Kong and Beijing. It was a busy time for me because I was moving at the same time. So, I spent a lot of time on airplanes.

Q: What do you think of the transformers?

A: They are amazing, aren't they? On one hand they are very surreal, on the other hand they seem very humanlike. And I think with the start of this new trilogy we will see that human element of the transformers develop even further.

Materialet er venligst stillet af PR Nordic

Link: http://www.transformersfilmen.dk

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