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Du er her: Forside - Forum - Nyheder - Her er Oscar-nomineringerne 2015

Her er Oscar-nomineringerne 2015

Skrevet 15. januar 2015 kl. 16:24 af Daniel Hartvig Nielsen

Onsdag eftermiddag blev nomineringerne til årets Oscar offentliggjort. "Birdman" og "The Grand Budapest Hotel" topper listen med hele 9 nomineringer hver.

Kampen om årets bedste film står mellem Clint Eastwoods "American Sniper", der får dansk premiere i næste uge, Alejandro G. Iñárritus "Birdman", der også får premiere her i januar, anmelderdarlingen "Boyhood", Wes Andersons "The Grand Budapest Hotel", der allerede havde premiere i foråret 2014, Martin Luther King biopic'en "Selma", "The Imitation Game", The Theory Of Everything" og indefilmen "Whiplash".

Der blev desværre ingen nordiske repræsentanter i år, da svenske "Force Majeure" blev forbigået i kategorien "Bedste udenlandske film".

Vinderne blev fundet ved Oscar-showet den 22. februar.

Her er den samlede liste:
Best Picture
“American Sniper”
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
“The Imitation Game”
“The Theory of Everything”

Best Director
Wes Anderson, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Alejandro González Iñárritu, “Birdman”
Richard Linklater, “Boyhood”
Bennett Miller, “Foxcatcher”
Morten Tyldum, “The Imitation Game”

Best Actress
Marion Cotillard, “Two Days, One Night”
Felicity Jones, “The Theory of Everything”
Julianne Moore, “Still Alice”
Rosamund Pike, “Gone Girl”
Reese Witherspoon, “Wild”

Best Actor
Steve Carell, “Foxcatcher”
Bradley Cooper, “American Sniper”
Benedict Cumberbatch, “The Imitation Game”
Michael Keaton, “Birdman”
Eddie Redmayne, “The Theory of Everything”

Best Supporting Actress
Patricia Arquette, “Boyhood”
Laura Dern, “Wild”
Keira Knightley, “The Imitation Game”
Emma Stone, “Birdman”
Meryl Streep, “Into the Woods”

Best Supporting Actor
Robert Duvall, “The Judge”
Ethan Hawke, “Boyhood”
Edward Norton, “Birdman”
Mark Ruffalo, “Foxcatcher”
J.K. Simmons, “Whiplash”

Best Adapted Screenplay
Paul Thomas Anderson, “Inherent Vice”
Damien Chazelle, “Whiplash”
Jason Hall, “American Sniper”
Anthony McCarten, “The Theory of Everything”
Graham Moore, “The Imitation Game”

Best Original Screenplay
Wes Anderson and Hugo Guinness, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Dan Futterman and E. Max Frye, “Foxcatcher”
Dan Gilroy, “Nightcrawler”
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris and Armando Bo, “Birdman”
Richard Linklater, “Boyhood”

Best Foreign Language Film
“Wild Tales”

Best Documentary Feature
“Finding Vivian Maier”
“Last Days in Vietnam”
“The Salt in the Earth”

Best Animated Feature
“Big Hero 6″
“The Boxtrolls”
“How to Train Your Dragon 2″
“Song of the Sea”
“The Tale of The Princess Kaguya”

Film Editing
“American Sniper”
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
“The Imitation Game”

Best Song
“Everything is Awesome” from “The LEGO Movie” (written by Shawn Patterson)
“Glory” from “Selma” (written by Common and John Legend)
I’m Not Gonna Miss You
“Lost Stars” from “Begin Again” (written by Gregg Alexander, Danielle Brisebois, Nick Lashley and Nick Southwood)

Best Original Score
Alexandre Desplat, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Alexandre Desplat, “The Imitation Game”
Johann Johannsson, “The Theory of Everything”
Gary Yershon, “Mr. Turner”
Hans Zimmer, “Interstellar”

Best Cinematography
Roger Deakins, “Unbroken”
Emmanuel Lubezki, “Birdman”
Dick Pope, “Mr. Turner”
Robert Yeoman, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Lukasz Zal and Ryszard Lenczewski, “Ida”

Best Costume Design
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
“Inherent Vice”
“Into the Woods”
“Mr. Turner”

Best Makeup and Hairstyling
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
“Guardians of the Galaxy”

Best Production Design
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
“The Imitation Game”
“Into the Woods”
“Mr. Turner”

Best Sound Editing
“American Sniper”
“The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”

Best Sound Mixing
“American Sniper”

Best Visual Effects
Captain America:
“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”
“Guardians of the Galaxy”
“X-Men: Days of Future Past”

Best Short Film, Live Action
“Boogaloo and Graham”
“Butter Lamp”
“The Phone Call”

Best Short Film, Animated
“The Bigger Picture”
“The Dam Keeper”
“Me and My Moulton”
“A Single Life”

Best Documentary, Short Subject
“Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1”
“Our Curse”
“The Reaper”
“White Earth”

Se kilde artikel hos Variety.com

Skriv dit indlæg til debatten her
David Lund
18. januar 2015 - 14:54 Jeg så gerne en nominering i Bedste film til både Gone Girl og Interstellar, så to af sidste års bedste blockbusters også fik et rygklap af Oscar-komiteen, og Lego The Movie skulle selvfølgelig også have en nominering i Bedste animationsfilm kategorien. Sådan helt personligt så jeg dog gerne en nominering i stort set alle kategorier til Inherent Vice, men PT Anderson er åbenbart den nye Kubrick, der først vil blive hædret for sit imponerende bagkatalog efter sin død.


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